adventurous spirituality for unconventional people
Wildhouse Publishing (WHP) is Wildheart Evolution’s publishing partner, an indie press dedicated to supporting the spiritual journeys of people who are spiritual but not religious, and people on the creative margins of organized religions. We publish books under four imprints.

a unique press
Wildhouse Publishing publishes transformative spiritual books written by and for people who don’t fit the traditional mold. WHP meets the needs of readers and writers who may be spiritual-but-not-religious, agnostic, non-religious, and/or deconstructing, as well as those who remain devoted to a traditional religion but are hungry for more. WHP’s editorial program cultivates both breadth and depth—publishing life-transforming, world-changing books.
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We are seeking early-stage funding. Your financial support helps us:
- Publish important books
- Cultivate distinctive voices
- Empower wise leadership
- Support leading-edge research