wildheart audience
an emerging demographic
There is a cultural-evolutionary niche within which expansive spirituality is the adaptive response. The rapidly growing demographic for this unprecedented cultural niche is filled with fascinating and diverse people. Whether they are deconstructing traditional religious commitments or on a spiritual journey with no past religious exposure at all, they often feel quite alone and confused. The gleaming truth, however, is that they are very far from alone. They might be largely unorganized, but they are growing in leaps and bounds.

At first, this emerging demographic may seem to be a complex group of people having little in common. Indeed, Wildheart research confirms the complexity of this demographic: these people are scattered and diverse, and often wouldn’t even recognize one another. But our research also shows they have common spiritual interests and prosocial concerns, often just beneath the surface of glorious diversity in culture, experience, and background. This surprising fact means that people within this emerging demographic are already embracing expansive spirituality, in a variety of forms, even when they really don’t know what to call it.

We think of these people as the spiritually adventurous. Unfortunately, traditional religions mostly ignore them, save for treating them as targets for conversion, which just doesn’t work with most of these people. They are difficult to reach because they have no unifying social identity, so they tend to be chronically underserved. Yet they tend toward expansive spirituality. They may feel alone but the potential for real connection and social support is very real.

help is on the way
This emerging demographic is filled with wonderful people with profoundly prosocial moral orientations on imaginative spiritual journeys. These are Wildheart Evolution’s people. We aim to reach them, support them, offer them resources critical to their flourishing, and connect them so they can realize the wellbeing benefits of social support.
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