expansive spirituality
spiritual adaptation is crucial to human evolution
Many people grasp the meaning of expansive spirituality instinctively, partly because they feel themselves moving in that direction personally. But expansive spirituality has many forms.

Wildheart research has reconstructed the origins and dynamics of the emergence of expansive spirituality. It is a story of historic spiritual shifts and cultural disruptions that jointly define a new cultural-evolutionary niche for human spirituality. Expansive spirituality is the adaptive solution that is emerging.

So what exactly is expansive spirituality? To begin with, it is not politically aligned, is it not limited only to western cultures, and it is not some new, shiny thing. In fact, it has an ancient pedigree and has emerged across the globe in a host of cultures. Historically, it has always been a minority viewpoint, associated with mysticism, contemplation, nature, human-hearted empathy, and social support. Sometimes it has been suppressed and even persecuted. In the new evolutionary niche, it is proving to be highly adaptive, so it is flowering and growing quickly.

What makes expansive spirituality adaptive? Why is it growing so quickly? Wildheart research has synthesized leading-edge understandings of the personal and social effects of expansive spirituality. It is no wonder that it is proving to be adaptive in the new cultural-evolutionary niche for spirituality.

we need expansive spirituality, now
Research tells us that spirituality is essential to cultural stability. As old frameworks for spirituality struggle for plausibility and credibility, spiritual needs persist. So people grasp for whatever is near to hand: national pride, political identity, a sports team, a social justice mission, a meaningful vocation… But such temporal concerns can’t address the full scope of spiritual yearning, which induces widespread cynicism and despair, sadness and loneliness, and hunger for meaning. Institutions critical for socioeconomic stability lose the support and confidence they need and teeter on the brink of collapse.
Real change must engage the mind, heart, and soul of human beings, not just as individuals but in groups, because spiritual journeys are communal adventures. Only expansive spirituality in its various forms is well adapted to the modern environments for spirituality. Therefore, embracing expansive spirituality is the only feasible long-term, soulful, and transformational solution to problems of political instability, institutional malaise, and individualistic blue-screen loneliness.
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